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"Loois and Sadee in Mellon Park"
(Oil on 18"x24" Aluminum Panel)

This painting is based on a photograph by Erin Reece of her dogs enjoying Mellon Park in Pittsburgh.
The photo was taken on July 29, 2017

Erin's dogs; Loois in the back and Sadee with the tennis ball up front.

Along with the happy dogs, I wanted to do the park justice.

This is Mellon Park in Pittsburgh and in researching details on the gate metal work, I found many weddings have taken place at that particular gate. The location is a local land mark.

Finished Painting(Erin's picture arives on July 29, 2020
[3 years to the day when the original photo was taken])
(Loois with the painting)Time lapse of the paining...
Loois and Sadee in Mellon Park PaintingPainting arrives 7/29/2020Loois and the painting

Daniel J. Moore © 2025
All Rights Reserved